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ICDT 2017 was held in Fuzhou on Feb.18-20, 2017. It attracted nearly 1000 attendees, of which more than 100 overseas attendees.

ICDT 20172017218-20日在福州举行,吸引了近千人参会,其中有超过100人士来自海外的。

ICDT 2017 Highlights Review

v Nearly 30 distinguished experts of display industry from China and oversea, of which are 2 CAS members, 1 US NAE member and  11 SID Fellows.

 30位来自国内外的显示行业著名科学家,其中2名中国科学院院士,1名美国工程院院士,11SID FellowSID前主席和现任主席

v11 Keynote Addresses in Plenary Session.


v2-days oral presentation: 17 technical fields, 54sessions, 256 invited talks.


v4 Seminars : Advanced TFTQuantum Dots & Related DisplaysPrinting DisplaysAR&VR&MR.

 针对工程师、研究人员等的4个专题技术讲座:Advanced TFTQuantum Dots & Related Displays Printing DisplaysAR&VR&MR.

v10 presentations in business conference.


v80 posters, 17 exhibitors.

  80张海报, 17 家显示行业颇具影响力的公司参展

vInnovative content:"future star" activities, I- zones, specialty exchange activities on Micro-Led, Quantum Dots, technical  

   committee communication meetings, etc.

 创新内容:未来之星活动, I- zones(创新区),Micro-LED和量子点的特色专业交流活动, SID北京分会技术委员会会议, 等等

Review ICDT 2017

       ICDT 2017 attracted about 30 prominent scientists, academia and enterprise elites in the field of display technology from China, United States, Europe, Japan and Korea to make keynote speeches and invited talks. Samsung, LG, JOLED, Dow Chemical, Sumitomo, Honeywell, Kyulux, UDC, Nanosys, DuPont, eMagin and other well-known overseas enterprises also sent their research and development leaders to give speeches. Many well-known professors in the field of display from MIT, UC Berkeley, Columbia, Cambridge, University of Rochester, University of Central Florida, Seoul National University and other overseas universities gave presentations.

            ICDT 2017吸引了来自中国、美国、欧洲、日韩约30位显示行业著名的科学家、学术界翘首和企业界精英做主题演讲和邀请报告。三星、LGJOLEDDow ChemicalSumitomoHoneywellKyuluxUDCNanosysDuPonteMagin等海外知名企业派研究负责人演讲。MITUC Berkeley, Columbia, Cambridge, University of Rochester, University of Central Florida, Seoul National University等海外知名高校显示领域教授出席演讲。

       A large number of famous experts gathered together in the ICDT 2017 opening ceremony and the plenary session. They were Ching W.Tang, ZhongcanOuyang, Vivian Wing-Wah Yam, Shin-Tson Wu, Hoi S. Kwok, Amal Ghosh, Yong-Seog Kim, John Chen, Jin Jang, Changhee Lee, Baoping Wang , Xiaolin Yan, Qun Yan, Arokia Nathan, Toshiaki Arai, Soo young Yoon, Kathleen O'Connell, Takeshi Yamada, Yi-Pai Huang, etc. They gave keynotes focusing on OLED display, Flat Panel Display, Flexible Display, TFT, LCDs and other hot topics.

        在ICDT 2017的开幕式和主题报告上,云集了众多大咖,有邓青云、欧阳钟灿、任咏华、吴诗聪、郭海成、Amal GhoshYong-Seog Kim、程章林、Jin JangChanghee Lee、王保平、闫晓林、严群、Arokia NathanToshiaki AraiSoo young YoonKathleen O’ConnellTakeshi Yamada、黄乙白等,他们围绕OLED显示、平板显示、柔性显示、TFTLCDs等热点话题,发表主题报告。

       In the 2-days ICDT oral presentation, speakers were from well-known universities from home and abroad, such as Tsinghua University, Peking University, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Southeast University, Sun yat-sen University, North Polytechnic, Zhejiang University, Shanghai University, Huazhong University, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, National Taiwan University, University of Florida, Korea Kyung Hee University, etc. and from famous enterprises, such as BOE, TCL, CEC-Panda, Tianma, Huaxing Optoelectronics, Visionox, New Vision, etc. as well as major scientific research institutions, such as Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics(SINANO), Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Institute of Metrology, China, etc. More than 250 speakers in total at home and abroad launched technical exchanges around AMD, OLED, Display Manufacturing, Display Measurement, E-paper & Flexible Displays, Printed Display, AR & VR and other 17 technical fields, 54 sessions.


       Above is only a glimpse of ICDT 2017 and it was merely the first International Conference on Display Technology!

       以上仅仅是ICDT 2017的冰山一角,这也仅是第一届国际显示技术会议噢!

For more highlights, just click on the below video↓↓↓


Review ICDT 2017