ICDT 2025欢迎信委员会回顾ICDT 2024回顾ICDT 2023回顾ICDT 2022回顾ICDT 2021回顾ICDT 2020回顾ICDT 2019回顾ICDT 2018回顾ICDT 2017关于大会地点关于厦门ICDT全文提交指南ICDT最终版征稿启事ICDT摘要提交指南ICDT初版征稿启事辩论赛报名青年领袖论坛候选人申请青年领袖论坛厦门出游活动会议注册(含观展)仅观展注册酒店预订第三届ICDT新型显示技术竞赛决赛文档上传华为终端走进校园第二届ICDT新型显示技术竞赛新型显示技术竞赛视频上传ICDT新型显示技术竞赛第三届SID China华大九天杯创新竞赛决赛文档上传第二届SID China华大九天杯创新竞赛第一届ICDT华大九天杯创新竞赛软件操作培训&答疑会软件下载SID China华大九天杯创新竞赛第一届车载显示创新竞赛竞赛报名天马杯ICDT创新竞赛初版议程主题报告邀请报告名单短课 & 专题出版刊物2024年名单2023年名单2022年名单2021年名单2020年名单2019年名单2018年名单2017年名单优秀论文奖&优秀学生论文奖青年领袖奖I-Zone创新奖&Start-up专区奖SID中国大陆个人奖SID显示行业奖(CDIA)突出贡献奖辩论赛获奖名单参展指南往届展商赞助申请创新区创新区展示I-Zone创新区申请Start-up专区Start-up专区展示Start-up专区
Guideline for Abstract Submission
Thank you for your interest in submitting a technical summary to ICDT 2025. We recommend reviewing the Submission Guidelines prior to submitting your abstract. The Deadline for abstract submission is December 1, 2024 . https://www.cvent.com/c/abstracts/4c8c7fb5-0d63-41f0-a354-197860b36fef


The submitted abstract will either be accepted or rejected based on technical merits evaluated by technical committee. The accepted abstract might be reassigned to an oral or poster presentations of appropriate topical session at the discretion of program committee. Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent via an e-mail to the corresponding author by Dec. 20 2024. After receiving the acceptance notification, please submit the full paper online. The deadline for submission of the full paper is Feb. 16, 2025. The submitted full paper, after the author permission, will be published in Wiley online, “SID International Symposium Digest of Technical Papers” (EI Searchable). After reviewed and recommended by ICDT program l committee, some submitted papers of ICDT will selected to be published at Journal of the Society for Information Display (SCI Searchable). Please note that the presenter of each accepted papers must complete his/her registration and pay the registration fee; otherwise the papers will be withdrawn from the proceedings publication.

提交的摘要将基于所阐述的技术优点由技术委员会评估为拒收或接收(口头报告或海报报告)。被接收的摘要将被分配为相应主题的口头报告或海报报告。接收或拒收的通知将于2024年12月20日通过邮件发送至论文通讯作者的邮箱。收到接收通知后请在线提交论文全文,论文全文的提交截止时间为2025年2月16日提交的论文经作者本人同意将发表在Wiley Online出版的《SID International Symposium Digest of Technical Papers》(EI检索),通过ICDT程序委员会评审筛选后,部分论文将在Journal of the Society for Information Display》(JSID)期刊(SCI收录)上发表。


Submission Guidelines-Abstract Template

Before uploading the technical summary, please click to download the Format Template. Please prepare your technical summary in both PDF format and MS Word for the submission. 

在上传摘要之前,请点击下载 “格式模板”,上传论文的格式为PDF和MS Word。

Title must be in 14 pt. font Helvetica or Arial Bold with capital letters at the beginning of every word except prepositions & articles. Author's name must be in 12 pt. font Helvetica or Arial Bold Italics, Author’s affiliation must be in 10 pt. font Helvetica or Arial Bold. The body text of your submission should be 10 pt. Times New Roman, single spaced with an additional 4 points of space at the beginning of each paragraph. However, when typing complicated mathematical text, it is important to increase the space between text lines in order to prevent sub- and super-script fonts overlapping one another and making your electronic version completely displayed.

论文摘要的题目为14Helvetica或者 Arial字体,加粗,题目中的英文单词除了介词和冠词首字母大写。作者姓名12Helvetica 或者 Arial 加粗斜体。单位地址10Helvetica 或者 Arial字体。正文10Times New Roman字体,单倍行距。每段开头空4个英文字符,在输入复杂的数学文本时可以增加文本的行间距,使数学公式完整清晰地显示。

Figures and tables should appear after where they are cited. Figure captions should appear centered under the corresponding figure and set in 10 pt. Helvetica or Arial Bold. Use the abbreviation “Fig. 1,” even at the beginning of a sentence in the body text. Figures may be full color. All colors will be retained on the USB Proceeding. Figures must not use stipple fill patterns because they may not be reproduced properly. Please use only SOLID FILL colors which contrast well on screen, as shown in Fig. 1.

图和表格应该插在文字描述后。图的标题应位于图下方,居中,10号Helvetica 或者Arial字体,加粗;图一的英文缩写形式为“Fig. 1”,即使在正文句子开头表示图1,仍使用“Fig. 1,”。图可以是全彩,使用的色彩能够清晰显示在电子会议论文集中。避免使用点画填充模式图形。另外请使用对比度强的单色填充图形,使得图形清晰的呈现在屏幕上,如示例Fig. 1所示。

Tables should be presented in the form shown in Table 1. Table captions should appear centered above the corresponding table and be set in 10 pt. Helvetica or Arial Bold. Wide tables and figures should be placed at the top or bottom of the page that they are mentioned. Not within the middle of a page with text above and below.

表格应参考示例Table1。表格标题应位于表格上方,居中,10号Helvetica 或者Arial字体,加粗。跨列和行多的大图和表格应插在和文字一页的顶端或者底端,不建议插在文字之间。

Equations are placed in center. If they are numbered, make sure that they are numbered consecutively. Place the numbers in parentheses. Flush with the right-hand margin of the column.


Images in your document should be at least 300 or 600 dpi for quality reproduction and saved as .tif images (or other compatible format that supports print quality resolution). When creating or revising your images for inclusion in the paper, we recommend choosing CMYK (and not RGB) as the color profile.


如果出现无法投递稿件或其他投稿问题,请点击按钮下载并填写“Manual Abstract Submission Form”,邮件至sid-bj@sid.org If you have problems about abstract submission, please click the button to download and fill out “Manual Abstract Submission Form” by email to sid-bj@sid.org