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ICDT 2018 was held in Guangzhou on April.9-12, 2018. It attracted over 1000 attendees, of which more than 150 overseas attendees.

ICDT 20182018年4月9-12日在广州举行,吸引了1000人多参会,其中有超过150人士来自海外的。

ICDT 2018 Highlights Review

v Nearly 40 academicians and SID Fellows,50 distinguished experts of display industry from China.

       40 余名国内外院士和 SIDfellow50 余名国家千人计划 专家、国家杰青和长江学者

v15 Keynote Addresses in Plenary Session.


v17 technical  fields, 53 sessions, nearly 380 academic symposium reports (oral+poster).


v4 Short Courses,6 Technical Seminars, Business conference and investment conference for companies,investors, and markets.


v Exhibition:25 exhibitors.I-zone:13 companies and universities

  25 家显示行业颇具影响力的公司3天参展,创新区:13家企业和高校带来的新技术原型和样机

vInnovative content:The Round Table Forum,“Display Future Star” event, technical committee communication meetings, etc.

  创新内容:圆桌交流会,未来之星活动, I- zones(创新区), SID北京分会技术委员会会议, 等等

vA powerful combination: held together with Intelligent Display Manufacturing Conference(IDMC), hold flexible printing electronic session together with OE-A



Review ICDT 2018
       At the opening remark and keynote address of ICDT 2018, there were many big names, including Professor Young - seog Kim, the chairman of SID; Dr. Yan Xiaolin, the CTO of TCL Group, senior vice president and regional chairman of SID China;  professor Yan Qun, the president of SID China and  distinguished professor of Fuzhou University; Professor Cao Yong, an acdemician of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Dr. Martin Schadt, on of the LCD inventors and member of European Academy of Sciences; Dr. Xu Xiaoguang, the CTO of BOE Technology Group Co. Ltd.; Professor ShintsonWu of University of Central Florida, felllow of American Invertors Institute and SID Felllow; Professor Guo Haicheng of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, SID Fellow; Mr Huang Shengkai, the VP of AU Optronics Corp. and CTO of E - Ink, SID Fellow; Dr. Michael D. McCreary, CTO and vice president of  engineering in Starkey Hearing Technologies, former vice president of Intel, current Secretary - General of SID, SID Fellow; Dr. Achin Bhowmik, father of OLED, academician of American Academy of Engineering; Dr. Ching W. Tang, LG Display deputy chief; Director of Research and Development Laboratory Soo Young-Yoon; Professor Chi-Ming CHE, memeber of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Nicholas Thompson, Director of Research and Development of UDC; Gildas Sorin, CEO of OLED material company CYNORA; Toshiaki Arai, CTO  of JOLED; Professor Dirk Jan Broer, an academician of the Royal Dutch academy of Sciences, IEEE Fellow; Professor Kei May Lau of Hong Kong University of Science

and Technology, etc. The 15 keynote speakers delivered speeches on such  hot topics as LCD, OLED, AR & VR & AI, Micro - LED and E - Paper.

     ICDT 2018 的开幕式和主题报告上,云集了众多大咖,有 SID主席 Young-Seog Kim教授,TCL 集团首席技术官、资深副总裁、SID 两岸三地区域 主席闫晓林博士,SID 中国区总裁、福州大学特聘教授严群教授,中国科学院院士曹镛教授,LCD 发明人之一的欧洲科学院院士 Martin  Schadt 博士,京东方首席技术官徐晓光博士,美国发明家学会 fellow 和 SID  fellow,美国中佛罗里达大学 ShintsonWu(吴 诗聪)教授,SID fellow,香 港 科 技 大 学 郭 海 成 教授,友达光电副总黄胜凯先生,E-ink  公司首席技术官,SID fellow ,Michael D. McCreary  博士,美国 Starkey Hearing Technologies 公司副总,首席技术官, Intel原副总,SID现任秘书长,SID  fellow,Achin  Bhowmik  博士,  OLED 之父,美国工程学院院士,SID Fellow,Ching W. Tang (邓青云)博士,LG显示副总,研发实验室主任  Soo-YoungYoon,中国科学院院士支志明教授,UDC 公司研发总监 Nicholas Thompson,OLED 材料公司 CYNORA 的 CEO Gildas Sorin,日本 JOLED 首席技术官 Toshiaki  Arai,荷兰皇家科学院院士 Dirk  Jan   Broer教授,IEEE Fellow,香港科技大学Kei  May LAU(刘纪美)教授等等。15位主题报告嘉宾围绕 LCD、OLED、AR&VR&AI、Micro-LED、E-Paper 等热点话题,发表演讲。

       The meeting was a marvelous feast, and the round table was attended by more than 30 representatives from mainland China,the United States, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

      此次会议称得上是一场盛宴,其中的圆桌会议上就云集了众多业内来自全球 的大咖,有来自中国大陆、美国、加拿大、德国、荷兰、瑞典、日本、韩国、中 国台湾地区和香港地区的 30 多位代表出席圆桌会议。


       In the ICDT technical seminar, it involved 17 areas of display technology, including 53 technology conferences, about 260 oral reports (156 invited reports of which there were 30 % of overseas reports) and 120 poster reports.  Speakers were from 84 different universities, 87 different enterprises and scientific research institutions, of which universities were Tsinghua, Peking University, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Southeast University, Sun Yat - sen University, Zhejiang University, Xiamen University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Taiwan University, Oxford University, Florida University, Korea Gyeongxi University, Cambridge University, Columbia University, Kyushu University, Edinburgh University, etc., industry enterprises included  Shenzhen Huaxing Optoelectronics Co., Ltd., Visionox , NeuDrive Limited、Pixelligent、Plansee、Dow Chemical、LGD、TCL 、BOE、Tianma、Hisense、JOLED、 Kateeva, Inc.、DowDuPont、Merck、Jasper Display Corp. (JDC)、AU Optronics Corp.、Universal Display Corporation、CYNORA、Eink Corporation、 SUMITOMO CHEMICAL、FlexEnable、PlayNitrideetc ,and there were other major scientific research institutions, such as Suzhou Institute of Nanotechnology and Nanobionics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physical and Chemical Technology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Microelectronics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangdong Semiconductor Lighting Research Institute, China Standardization Research Institute, and Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences, etc. . They published technical reports on 17 technical fields including active matrixdisplay technology, active light-emitting display, application vision,electronic paper and flexible display technology, virtual reality and augmented reality technology, liquid crystal technology, display application technology,lighting technology, display electronics technology, organic light-emitting diode display technology, display measurement technology, printing display technology, display manufacturing technology, projection display technology,display system, touch and interactive display technology and vehicle display technology.

      在 ICDT 技术研讨会报告上,围绕显示技术的 17 个领域展开,包括 53 个技术会议,约 260 个口头报告(其中 156 个邀请报告,海外报告占比 30%)和 120 个海报报告,演讲嘉宾们分别来自 87 家不同企业、84 家不同高校和科研机构, 知名院校如清华、北大、复旦、上海交大、东南大学、中山大学、浙大、厦大、 香港科技大学、台湾大学、牛津大学、弗罗里达大学、韩国庆熙大学、剑桥大学、 哥伦比亚大学、日本九州大学、爱丁堡大学、等等,业内企业如深圳华星光电技术有限公司、维信诺/国显光电、NeuDrive Limited、Pixelligent、Plansee、Dow Chemical、LGD、TCL 集团、BOE、上海天马微电子科技集团、青岛海信电器股份有限公司、JOLED、 Kateeva, Inc.、DowDuPont、Merck、Jasper Display Corp. (JDC)、友达光电、Universal Display Corporation、CYNORA、Eink Corporation、 SUMITOMO CHEMICAL、FlexEnable、PlayNitride 等等,以及来自各大科研机构,如中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生所、中国科学院理化技术研究所、 中科院微电子所、广东省半导体照明研究院、中国标准化研究院、中国科学院长春应化所等等。他们围绕有源矩阵显示技术、主动发光显示、应用视觉、电子纸及柔性显示技术、虚拟现实及增强现实技术、液晶技术、显示应用技术、照明 技术、显示电子技术、有机发光二极管显示技术、显示测量技术、印刷显示技 术、显示制造技术、投影显示技术、显示系统、触摸与交互显示技术、车载显示 技术这 17 个技术领域发表技术报告。

       In addition, the exhibition of this conference attracted 25 enterprises to participate, including Journey Technology.Radiant Vision Systems, Konica Minolta Holdings, Inc., New Vision, Teicon China, Bose Technology, Raymond & Co., OE - A, CoA Tema Coating Machinery GmbH, ShenzhenNED Optics Co.,Ltd., HangZhou Everfine Photo-e-info Co.,Ltd, Silvaco, Light-all Technology, SINEVA,Mikrouna, Forster, Vigor, InnoChem Technology, Sensing Optronics Coporation,Winifred, West Boro Photonics, Pushon Electric, BEQ, Jol. Inc, Notion Systems GmbH. ICDT 2018 not only set up an exhibition area , but also an I - zone ( innovation zone ) to show prototypes of new technologies brought by universities and enterprises, involving 3-D naked-eye display, transparent display, MicroLED, electronic paper, VR display and new applications of TFT sensing.

     除此之外,此次会议的展览会吸引了 25 家企业参展,其中包括灵犀微光、瑞淀光学系统、柯尼卡美能达、新视界、Temicon China、波色科技、利满洋行、 OE-A、Coatema Coating Machinery GmbH、纳德光学、远方光电、Silvaco、光傲科技、欣奕华、米开罗那、弗士达、威格气体纯化、伊诺凯科技、三色光电、卫利国际、Westboro Photonics、普世通电气、贝意克设备技术、JOLED.inc、Notion Systems GmbH。不仅设立了展区,还特别设立了 I-Zone(创新区),展示高校和企业带来的新技术原型和样机,涉及 3-D 裸眼显示、透明显示、MicroLED、 电子纸、VR 显示以及TFT 传感新应用等多个新技术。

       The above is only the tip of the iceberg of ICDT 2018 which was only the second international conference on display technology. In future, SID China will stick to the ICDT conference brand and will do as better as possible to become a bright landscape in the industry and attract more experts at home and abroad.

     以上仅仅是 ICDT 2018 的冰山一角,这也仅是第二届国际显示技术会议,未 来 SID China 将坚持将 ICDT 会议品牌延续下去,并将越办越好,成为业内一道亮丽的风景线,吸引更多的海内外专家。

For more highlights, just click on the below video↓↓↓


Review ICDT 2018